Catholic Faith Space
Working a job that is in an office and where most of the work is done at a desk, it is pretty much impossible to reach 10,000 steps during the day just from being at work. Even with the walks to the breakroom to fill up my water bottle, trips to the restroom, and walking to the printer, it just is not enough to get in the desired number of steps. The only way to hit 10,000 steps a day during the work week is to choose to do some sort of physical activity, such as going on a walk during lunch and after work. Whatever it is, it has to be intentional. Getting enough exercise throughout the day is not just going to happen accidentally, especially when you spend the bulk of the day in the office. It has to be something that is put into the schedule and planned sometime between waking up and going to sleep. It is the same way when it comes to a relationship with Jesus. It’s not just going to happen accidentally, especially when our days are filled with so many other commitments. Unless we are intentional and plan to spend time with Jesus in prayer, we are never going to grow closer to Him.
There are so many directions we are pulled in throughout the day. We go to work, attend meetings for different groups we are involved in, spend time with family and friends, work on other tasks that need to get done, and spend time checking social media or watching TV. Where does Jesus fit into it all? Is He just an afterthought? Is He someone we just call on when we need something or when it’s convenient? Spending time with Jesus must be a priority in our days. Whether it is through reading scripture, journaling, reading spiritual material, going to eucharistic adoration, or mass, we must make time for Him in our schedules. Developing a relationship with Jesus and coming to know who He is takes time, effort, dedication, and commitment. And so often, we lack these traits and we choose other activities and other people first and above Him. Start with just five minutes. Then five minutes will turn into 15, and then into 30 minutes, and so on. Prayer is key to our days. When we allow Jesus to walk with us throughout the day by entering into an intentional time of prayer, we will be able to better recognize Him throughout the day. The only way we are going to reach the desired depth of faith and relationship with Christ is by putting in effort and choosing to spend time with Him. What are you going to do to choose Jesus today?
I don’t know what the statistics are on this, but I know that the number of Catholics who have kids or grandkids who have stopped practicing the faith or who have left the church is very high. And if not kids or grandkids, maybe another family member. I have heard many people talk about the pain, sadness, or discouragement it causes them. I do not personally know what it feels like. But Saint Monica does. Last week, the church celebrated the feast days of both Saint Monica and her son Saint Augustine. The story of St. Monica and her son is similar to that of so many parents today and she can serve as an example and inspiration. The stories of these two saints remind us that we all must search until we find the Truth and we must help others do the same.
There are so many voices and distractions outside of the church that try to call us away from Christ. And these voices and distractions can be enough to lead people astray, even when they’ve grown up in a strong and faithful Catholic family that teaches well and lives out and practices the faith in everyday life. And as people wander away from the Church, they are looking for meaning, purpose, and desires that they believe will be filled outside of the truth, beauty, and goodness that is found in Catholicism. We all spend time searching. Some people spend years and years searching. And if some of those people are your loved ones, keep praying, keep loving, and hand them over to God. That is what St. Monica did. She persevered and trusted in God, even when it was hard. Through St. Monica’s persistence, patience, trust, and faithfulness, God led St. Augustine to have a conversion experience that transformed his life. So many people who have left the Church are restless because they have turned to the world to find satisfaction, fulfillment, and purpose. They do not recognize that we have been made for God alone. A popular and favorite quote of many, St. Augustine wrote in Confessions, “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You.” We will never be truly satisfied apart from God. And we must keep praying and loving the people around us who maybe have not had an encounter with Christ or who have not been convicted of the truth of the Church. We must keep praying and loving the people around us whose hearts are still restless. God, we thank you for your love and faithfulness. Help us to never lose hope and trust that you are always with us, and with the sons and daughters who have walked away from You. Help us to love as you love, with a patient and merciful heart. Free us from worry and discouragement. Please draw those who are far from the Church close to You and lead them to rest in Your heart. Amen. |
AuthorStriving to share hope, joy, God's love, and all of the good stuff, one blog post at a time. Categories |